Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Food Sold in our canteen

I eat before at our school canteen . I like stall 2 . Because it has nice food .It is healty and good for heatlh .

Hand Food And Mouth Disese

HFMD is a serious thing . It can spread very fast and you will die . If your friend had HFMD , you must not get the disese. Or you will suffer alot and die .


Friendship day is a special day .Because it has diffrence citizens. It can be Malay ,Indian Eurasian and chinese . it is inportant to have friends .


Courtesy is a very polite way to do . i help people to do any things . On one time , i help people to the class room . She was crying and she do not know what to do .

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Reflection 2: My Dream

Hi everyone i am going to talk about My Dream . My dream is to be a baker .I like to be baker because it is fun and i like to play with dough . My dream is inportant because i need to have a job when i grow up and to set up my goals .