Thursday, March 27, 2008

Personal Response 1 : Racial Harmony

Hi,today i am talking about is Racial Harmony.i think Racial Harmony is inportant to us because Singapore is the country who always fight.i think all of us have different races and should be best friend.i think our school must prepare a different races party so that we can learn more about races.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Our Class Tests

In my class test ,i perform quite bad but i got no confident on Engish , Science and Chinese . I am sad on my two subject and happy on my other two subject . The reason is i am tired and i fell asleep on the sofa . The other reason is i did not study hard enough on my all subject . But , i still want to study very on my SA1 . I also want to study hard than others .i did not study well on CA1.

Friday, March 7, 2008

A Trip To The Science Centre

On the 4 March , we went to the science centre . It was quite boring but we learnt about the Phases Of The Moon and the Solar Eclipse .

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

ATrip To Old Ford Factory and Bt Chandu

On 19 february our class went to Old Ford Factory and Bt Chandu as learning jouney . We watch a short video at old ford factory and bt chandu . At bt chandu ,we learn alot of things then old ford factory . i like bt chandu because we got many things to learn and we can look for many old things . i dont like old ford factory because there is nothing to learn ,it is so boring and so lame .But ,i still enjoy it .