Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Computer games

Hi everyone . I am going to talk about computer games . I did play computer games every times . But i play different games like MiniClip and Y8 . And now i play Maple Story . Maple Story is a game that you will love it when you just started it . Now i used to it . Maple Story is a comman game , that almost the world know how to play . Some people will addicted to it . Just like my brother . He was mad with computer . Everyday , he would play 10 hours of it . He was playing Maple Story . When it Lv. 1 , he play all the to Lv. 200 . He likes Maple Story all lot . Maple Story maximun Lv is 200 . He would like to play to the end of it . My brother play O2 Mania too . So am i . O2 Mania is a game like piano but it need to use keyboard . Another game is almost same as O2 Mania . It is called O2 Jam . It is same as Audition . And the company of O2 Jam has been CLOSE DOWN !!!!! But it FUN than AUDITION !!!!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Beijing Olympis Games

Singapore has won a sliver for table tennis . We know that singapore tried their best . My table tennis idol is , LI JIA WEI and FENG TIAN WEI . Their table tennis skills is good . For china , i like WANG NAN and ZHANG YINING . The china ZHANG YINING is a world champion table tennis woman . They has place them wrongly . There are 3 people in singapore and china . LI JIA WEI vs GUO YUE . HUANG YUE GU vs ZHANG YINING . They had to replace as LI JIA WEI vs WANG NAN . FENG TIAN WEI vs ZHANG YINING . These is the correct way so that maybe singapore can get a gold medal . Tinzar said that HUANG YUE GU is lousy and ZHANG YINING is a pro player . And i have watch the olympics games like Basketball , Soccer , Hockey, Beach Volleyball , Vollyball , Tennis , Table Tennis , Swiming , Diving , Batminton and Gymnastics . For Basketball , YAO MING had slam dunk a lot of time . For Tennis RAFLED NADAL from spain , won a gold medal . Table Tennis i just said , Swiming , MICHAEL PHEPLS won 8 golds for USA and he break the world record . My mother was happy with RAFLED NADAl , from spain ,
MICHAEL PHEPLS from USA and SINGAPORE and that she pull my hair . I also want to congratlate SINGAPORE . GO SINGAPORE !!!!!!!

National Day

National day means that is the very very very very inportant day . We remenber our forefathers do for us . I think that the pri 5 and 6 did not do very well for the cross country . We should stay in the school and do somthing else . I think that NE show was perfect . We should and do a banner and see wich classes is the best in primary 5 .

Sleepy Kids

I did not get enough sleep because i always go to my father bakery shop . My father runs a bakery shop . I always go to my father bakery shop to help them do work . My father , 2nd uncle and my small aunty always teach me how to do cakes bread and waffle. Why did i talk untill here and forgot about the sleepy kids writing ? Let's continue . When i get back home , it about 6 pm i quicky bath and eat my dinner . So after that , i went back to sleep around 10 pm . So i did not get enough sleep .

Racial Rarmony Day

Racial harmony is a very important day. We are differance races we can united with one . I think we should get along with each other races in everywhere . I have in differance friends in differance culture .

Thursday, July 24, 2008


In cyberspace , cyber bullying is a bad thing . Cyberbullying is a teenage harassed and embrassed the others . When a teen was using internet on msn , you must avoid them . To avoid them , say ' Leave the mouse alone . ' And step away from the computer and no one will get hurt !' We encourage them to calm down , deep - breathing . If someone bullying you , immediately inform your parents , teachers , adults that would not harm you , people around you and police . If all these doesn do good , then , you say if is in cyberspace ' Cyberbullying is rude .'It doesn't do you any good !' Then , the big bully ran away .

The Right Use Of 999

The right use of 999 . Some people thought that police is very free . I think that when someone climb in to your neighbour house , you should call the police . If you lie to the police that you saw one person killing another person and the police saw the scene and there was just nothing , you will punished as you must being fine or jailed for a very long time .

PE Attire

This is about changing our school rules . The new rule is when we have PE , we do not need to change back in our school uniform . The advantage is they say we can have more time for recess . The disadvantage is we may stinks . So i recomend that we should wear uniform to school then we change to PE attire .

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Latest Quakes

An EarthQuake is a very serious thing . It can kill many people in the world .People can avoid from earthquake is to go underground tunnes. I think Singapore will not have any earthquake. Because Singapore is a very small island .If Singapore has a earthquake , the whole Singapore will have gone . And there is no country called Singapore .

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Mother

Last Sunday , Is mother 's day . I celebrate mother's day with my mother and my grandmother .We must celebrate any special day if we all are celebrating it . We ate the mother day cake and we ate big meal . What wonderful day is . I do the cake for my mother . She said it was very nice to eat . My uncle teach me how to do a cake . I tried my BEST !!!

Child Safety Belt in School Bus

I did not take any school bus as i take public bus every day .I know that some of the students is behaving themselves .If the school bus does not have any belt to use , the children will have to go hospital or doctor.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Food Sold in our canteen

I eat before at our school canteen . I like stall 2 . Because it has nice food .It is healty and good for heatlh .

Hand Food And Mouth Disese

HFMD is a serious thing . It can spread very fast and you will die . If your friend had HFMD , you must not get the disese. Or you will suffer alot and die .


Friendship day is a special day .Because it has diffrence citizens. It can be Malay ,Indian Eurasian and chinese . it is inportant to have friends .


Courtesy is a very polite way to do . i help people to do any things . On one time , i help people to the class room . She was crying and she do not know what to do .

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Reflection 2: My Dream

Hi everyone i am going to talk about My Dream . My dream is to be a baker .I like to be baker because it is fun and i like to play with dough . My dream is inportant because i need to have a job when i grow up and to set up my goals .

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Personal Response 1 : Racial Harmony

Hi,today i am talking about is Racial Harmony.i think Racial Harmony is inportant to us because Singapore is the country who always fight.i think all of us have different races and should be best friend.i think our school must prepare a different races party so that we can learn more about races.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Our Class Tests

In my class test ,i perform quite bad but i got no confident on Engish , Science and Chinese . I am sad on my two subject and happy on my other two subject . The reason is i am tired and i fell asleep on the sofa . The other reason is i did not study hard enough on my all subject . But , i still want to study very on my SA1 . I also want to study hard than others .i did not study well on CA1.

Friday, March 7, 2008

A Trip To The Science Centre

On the 4 March , we went to the science centre . It was quite boring but we learnt about the Phases Of The Moon and the Solar Eclipse .

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

ATrip To Old Ford Factory and Bt Chandu

On 19 february our class went to Old Ford Factory and Bt Chandu as learning jouney . We watch a short video at old ford factory and bt chandu . At bt chandu ,we learn alot of things then old ford factory . i like bt chandu because we got many things to learn and we can look for many old things . i dont like old ford factory because there is nothing to learn ,it is so boring and so lame .But ,i still enjoy it .